How To get A working holiday Visa in Canada: The utmost guide

October 13, 2022 0 Comments

With a working holiday visa, you can take pleasure in the serene, awe-inspiring natural appeal of Canada while making some extra money on the side. It’s the best opportunity for travellers seeking new experiences as well as cultures while earning money to fund their travels.

With glistening blue lakes as well as rugged, snow-capped mountains, Canada is a sprawling country with some of the most lovely landscapes in the world. Not to mention that it’s likewise home to bustling cosmopolitan cities as well as friendly locals!

If you’re interested in spending time in the great White North, you’re not alone. Canada is a popular destination for a working holiday. Every year, thousands of foreigners come to Canada to live, work, as well as take pleasure in the once-in-a-lifetime experience of being abroad.

In this article, I’ll show you how to apply for a working holiday in Canada, who is eligible, how to find jobs, the pros as well as cons, as well as more. 

What is a working holiday in Canada?
Who is Eligible for a working holiday Visa in Canada?
How To get a working holiday in Canada
How To start working On A working holiday Visa in Canada
What type of work Can You Do On a working holiday in Canada?
Where To find working holiday Jobs?
Downsides To The working holiday Program in Canada
What To expect From A working holiday in Canada
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What is a working holiday in Canada?

A working holiday visa is a permit that allows people (from specific countries, as well as of a specific age) to live as well as work in a foreign country. a lot of working holiday participants are interested in experiencing a new culture while making a small income on the side.

Canada distributes working holiday visas through the international Experience Canada (IEC), a government-sponsored program for foreigners. depending on your nationality, working holiday visas are allocated for either 12 or 24 months.

With the IEC program, you can work in any type of city or province that you want. From the coastal towns of British Columbia to the captivating medieval towns in Quebec, you’re sure to find a place that sparks your interest. If you’re undecided, the visa allows you to travel around the country as well as stay in multiple cities to see what suits you best.

And best of all, you don’t need a formal job offer to safe your working holiday visa; you can step to Canada as well as start trying to find work once you get comfortable.

Who is Eligible for a working holiday Visa in Canada?

To apply for the IEC program as well as obtain a working holiday visa in Canada, you need to be from a participating country that has a bilateral contract with Canada.

Currently, 34 countries are eligible for the IEC program, including Australia, new Zealand, as well as the UK.

It’s crucial to note that us citizens are not eligible to participate in the IEC program in Canada; however, us citizens might be able to obtain a work visa through a private, registered organization that’s approved by the Canadian government.

The age of eligibility will depend on your nationality. For instance, Australian citizens can apply for a working holiday between the ages of 18-35, while Hong Kong citizens need to be 18-30 years old. regardless of your home country, all applicants need to be over the age of 18 in buy to apply.

You likewise need to have a valid passport for the entire duration of your stay in Canada, along with at least CAD$2,500 of funds when you arrive. 

How To get a working holiday in Canada

The IEC application process is relatively straightforward. However, you can’t simply hop aboard a flight to Canada as well as expect to land a job.

You’ll first need to apply for the working holiday visa as well as work permit. as well as unfortunately, not all applicants are selected to participate in the IEC program.

Become an Eligible Candidate

Your first step to getting a working holiday visa in Canada with the IEC program is to complete the online “Come to Canada” Questionnaire. If you meet all the needed criteria, you’ll be deemed eligible to step forward with the IEC program.

Make a note of the “personal reference code” that you get at the end of the questionnaire. You’ll need this to create a profile with the Come to Canada platform.

Once you create your account as well as fill out your information, you’ll be entered into an applicant pool for your home country.

Receive an Invitation to Apply

After you submit your Come to Canada profile, it’s time to play the waiting game. The IEC program sends out Invitations to apply (ITA) at regular intervals to different applicants in the pools. keep in mind that applicants are chosen at random, as well as you must apply as early as possible to increase your chances of being selected.

Once you receive your ITA, you’ll have ten days to either accept or deny the invitation.

Apply for the working holiday Visa

If you decide to step forward with your application, then you can apply for the program directly through your Come to Canada account. considering that you only have 20 days to apply for the visa, you must have all your papers as well as information prepared ahead of time!

After submitting your work as well as education history, travel documents, photos, as well as medical exams or police records (depending on your home country), you’ll need to pay an ICE fee of $150 CAD as well as a working holiday fee of $100 CAD.

Get Biometrics Taken

To confirm your identity, you’ll need to get your fingerprints scanned as well as have photos taken to submit along with your application. The IEC program will send you a biometrics letter that you will need to take to your nearest Visa Application center (VAC).

Remember, you only have 30 days to submit your biometrics. as well as considering that appointments with the VAC needs to be scheduled ahead of time, you must try as well as schedule an visit as early as possible. Biometrics are needed to complete your IEC application.

Biometrics are valid for ten years, so if you’ve taken them before, you can use the same information for your IEC application.

Receive Confirmation

Once all your papers are submitted, they will be examined by the IEC program. normally speaking, the application review process takes around eight weeks.

If your application was accepted, then congratulations! You’re on your way to starting your new journey in Canada.

IEC will send you a point of entry (POE) acceptance letter that you will need to keep with you when you travel to Canada. This paper is crucial to obtaining your work permit with immigration.

How To start working On A working holiday Visa in Canada

While it’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of moving to a new country, it’s essential to make sure you follow the right process to obtain your visa as well as work permit. This guarantees a smooth as well as seamless transition to make the most of your time in Canada.

Activating Your work Permit

Once you show up in Canada, you’ll need to enable your working permit directly with customs as well as immigration. Bring the following papers with you to show the immigration officer at the border:


Proof of $2,500 CAD in funds (a printed bank statement works)

Proof of travel insurance for the duration of your intended stay

A return flight (or funds to purchase a flight at a later date)

Your point of entry (POE) confirmation letter

After examining your documents, the immigration officer will print as well as give you your work permit. You’re now allowed to enter as well as work in Canada!

Get a Canadian Social insurance Number (SIN)

In buy to work in Canada, you’ll need to get your assigned Social insurance Number (SIN) that allows you to start working legally.

All you have to do is take your work permit as well as passport to the nearest service Canada office. once they review your documents, they’ll hand you a paper with your new sin number printed on it. Your future employer will need this sin number in buy to file your paperwork as well as pay your income.

Open a Canadian bank Account

Once you start working, you’ll need a bank account where your employer can transfer your earned income. Although it may seem daunting, opening a bank account in Canada is relatively straightforward.

Research online to see which bank is ideal for you. Take into consideration the sign up fees, monthly fees, as well as ATM withdrawal fees. some of Canada’s largest banks – including royal bank of Canada, TD Canada Trust, bank of Nova Scotia, or Canadian Imperial bank of commerce – are safe bets.

What type of work Can You Do On a working holiday in Canada?

With a working holiday visa, you’ll have plenty of job opportunities at your fingertips. considering that Canada uses an open work permit for IEC participants, you can work any type of job. In other words, there are no restrictions to the type of work you’re allowed to do.

However, a lot of people will be hired for momentary or seasonal work. But, if you have the ideal education as well as skills, you might be able to find a momentary office position with a service or company.


One of the most typical jobs offered to working holiday participants is innen gjestfrihet. Å tiltrekke millioner av besøkende gjennom året, er Canada et reisemål i verdensklasse for reisende. Så det er lett å se hvorfor etterspørselen etter hotell så vel som feriestedarbeidere er høy.

Selvfølgelig finner du hotelljobber i enorme byer som Vancouver og Toronto. Imidlertid er det mange åpne stillinger i mindre byer så vel som landsbyer i bakgården. Konkurransen om å lande en jobb i en mindre by er mye høyere enn i en av Canadas større byer.

Når vinteren ruller rundt, kan Canadas skianlegg åpne for publikum. Du finner mange sesongjobber på hotellene, så vel som resorts på fjellet i høyden av skisesongen.


Hvis du liker å tilbringe tiden din utendørs, er Canada et flott sted å finne arbeid. Canada er en utendørs elskers drøm, så vel som vrimler av innsjøer, strender, fjell, samt nasjonalparker.

Kanskje du er interessert i å undervise i snowboardundervisning i Whistler eller veilede turutflukter gjennom Banff. Uansett er Canada hjem til en rekke jobber for alle typer opplevelsesentusiaster.

Avhengig av provinsen går skisesongen normalt fra november til april. Selv om det kreves noe undervisningserfaring, vil du motta noen betydelige fordeler, som gratis heispass eller rabatter på lokale restauranter samt barer.

En annen populær utendørsjobb er å høste frukt i sommerhalvåret.


Noe av det beste med å jobbe en tjenestebransjejobb er at det kreves liten eller ingen erfaring. Kanskje du nettopp begynner i arbeidsstyrken, eller kanskje du prøver å finne en jobb med en fleksibel plan. Uansett kan det å jobbe i serviceindustrien være en fin måte å tilbringe din arbeidsferie i Canada.

Noen normale jobber inkluderer bartending, ventebord eller detaljhandel. Så lenge du gleder deg over å jobbe så vel som å samhandle med kunder, må det være rimelig greit å lande en serviceindustrijobb.

Husk at noen tjenestebransjejobber krever et spesifikt sertifiseringsnivå eller opplæring. For eksempel trenger du sertifiseringen “serverer det riktig” hvis du planlegger å jobbe i en restaurant eller bar som serverer alkohol. I tillegg til at du planlegger å jobbe på et kjøkken, kan du vurdere en matsikkerhetstillatelse, som lar deg administrere mat i et industrielt arbeidsmiljø.

Siden Canada har en av de høyeste minstelønnssatsene i verden, kan du tjene en stor lønnsslipp i løpet av din tid i utlandet. Minimumslønn er funnet ut av provinser varierer imidlertid fra $ 11,06 – $ 15 CAD per time … pluss tips.

Hvor kan du finne arbeidsferiejobber?

Selv om det er mulig å trygge en jobb før du går til Canada, vil du sannsynligvis ha en mye bedre mulighet når du ankommer. Mange arbeidsgivere ønsker å gjennomføre personlige intervjuer, samt mye prioritering for de som blir tilbudt å starte umiddelbart.

Imidlertid er det noen måter å hjelpe deg med å lande drømmens arbeidsferiejobb.

Online jobbsider

I likhet med andre deler av verden, bruker kanadiske selskaper stillingsoppslag nettsteder som,, samt for å søke etter potensielle ansatte. before you apply, you’ll need to make sure you have a CV along with a cover letter.

Online job sites are great for finding office jobs as well as seasonal work. a lot of sites let you filter by permanent or momentary work as well.


JobBank is the official job providing web site created as well as maintained by the Canadian government. There are over 100,000 job listings for all types of work, including finance, health services, sales, as well as manufacturing.

You can filter listings by location as well as by education as well as language. best of all, you can select jobs based on your desired length of employment, including seasonal, part-time, or casual.

Apply In Person

If you’re unable to find a job online, you can always search the old fashioned way: by pounding the pavement as well as handing in your resume in person! If you walk past a service with a ‘Help

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