MY 15 favorite things TO SEE and do in GEORGIA
Last Updated: 2/2/2020 | 2. februar 2020
Once part of the Soviet Union, Georgia is a destination full of ancient history, spectacular landscapes, and plenty of surprises. It’s home to an award-winning red wine industry and the amazing capital of Tbilisi, which has a spectacular Old town and dynamic nightlife.
And to top it all off, the Caucasus Mountains offer amazing hiking and climbing for anybody wanting to explore the outdoors.
Georgia is worthy of all the praise it gets. It really is jam-packed with activities and attractions and is slowly starting to get on people’s radar. I loved my time there, and my only regret is that I didn’t have much more of it (but I guess that’s just a reason to go back, right?).
It may not be one of the most apparent places to travel, but if you want an eclectic destination that doesn’t have a lot of crowds and is safe, inexpensive, and filled with terrific food and drink, Georgia is it! I can’t recommend it enough.
Here’s a list of what I consider to be some of the best things to see and do in Georgia:
1. check out Tbilisi
Georgia’s capital is home to just over a million people and has started to acquire a credibility as a progressive city that provides an amazing blend of old and new.
Tbilisi is surrounded by hills, one of which is home to the ruins of Narikala Fortress, which dates back to the fourth century. Take the cable television automobile up for amazing views overlooking the city and the Mtkvari River. and the restored historic Old town is full of colorful window frames, beautiful balconies, ornate spiral staircases, and interesting alleyways to explore.
In contrast with this history, there are also lots of modern sights to see in Tbilisi, like the ultramodern bow-shaped peace Bridge and a growing number of trendy bars and restaurants. If you’re wanting to party the night away, be sure to check out Bassiani, one of the most popular nightclubs in town.
2. try a Sulfur Bath
Tbilisi is known for its sulfur baths, natural hot springs with minerals that are said to help with problems such as joint pain, arthritis, eczema, and dry skin. They have been a staple of the city because it was founded and are now a popular pastime for tourists and locals alike. (There are actually over two thousand mineral springs throughout Georgia, so you can have a medspa day outside Tbilisi as well.)
The baths underneath the Narikala Fortress are the easiest place to try this popular Georgian tradition; you can also get a conventional scrub and massage. The baths are easy to spot: they have large brick domes rising out of the ground that cover the healing waters.
Expect to pay at least 50 GEL (Georgian lari) ($17 USD) for a budget bathhouse or 100 GEL ($34 USD) for a nicer one.
3. The Chronicle of Georgia
Just outside Tbilisi, the Chronicle of Georgia is made up of 16 huge pillars and columns with carved images that illustrate the nation’s history, each of which is over 30 meters tall! Some people call this “Georgia’s Stonehenge,” but there’s nothing ancient or mystical about it — the memorial was built in 1985 by a Georgian sculptor (although it was never finished).
It’s easy to reach the Chronicle by taking the metro and then walking a short distance. In addition to seeing this unusual monument (which is free), you’ll also get a stunning view over the city and the Tbilisi Sea.
4. See Mtskheta
Mtskheta was an ancient capital of Georgia and today is known as the religious center of the country. It’s about a half-hour north of Tbilisi and is home to historic churches and stunning buildings from the middle Ages (some of them are UNESCO world Heritage sites as well). The entire city was also declared a holy City by the Georgian Orthodox Church in 2014.
One of the best things to do in Mtskheta is to go up to Jvari Monastery on the hilltop, many well-known for being where Christianity was declared the official religion in 319 CE. The monastery itself was built in the sixth century and has survived nearly unchanged because then. From here you’ll be treated to spectacular views over the town and the two rivers that meet at Mtskheta.
Also, don’t miss a check out to the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral (which dates to the 11th century) and the fourth-century Samtavro Monastery.
5. eat Khachapuri
There are all kinds of conventional Georgian foods you can try, but the one that all visitors seem to leave Georgia raving about is khachapuri. It’s essentially a cheesy bread that can come with various toppings and in various shapes, in some cases looking a bit like a pizza and other times much more like a big bread roll.
Every region of Georgia has its own version, but probably the most well-known is Adjarian khachapuri. It comes in a kind of boat shape and is first filled with cheese and then topped with an egg.
Another popular food you’ll want to try is kudari, which is a large leavened bread pocket stuffed with meat(vanligvis svinekjøtt eller lam) og grønnsaker.
6. Sjekk ut Vadrzia Cave-klosteret
Vadrzia Cave Monastery ligger i nærheten av Aspindza i Sør-Georgia, ca fire timer fra Tbilisi med bil. Det er en av de mest kjente klostrene i hele landet. Bygget i det 11. århundre, er det et system av huler gravd inn i siden av Erusheli-fjellet. Opprinnelig inkluderte komplekset 13 nivåer og over 6000 leiligheter. Disse ble brukt til å bidra til å sikre lokalbefolkningen fra mongolene, som ødela hele regionen i det 12. århundre.
Disse dager – etter skade på jordskjelv og raid fra Invaders – det er rundt tre hundre overlevende leiligheter og haller som fortsatt kan nås. I tillegg er den underjordiske kirken i dormisjonen fortsatt intakt, som er hjemmet til veggmalerier som viser historiske scener av georgisk royalty.
7. Hit bakkene
Georgia er sannsynligvis ikke din første tanke for en skiferie. Landet blir imidlertid raskt kjent i Europa og Asia som et morsomt og rimelig skiskrevne, og mye flere heiser blir lagt til hver sesong. Den deler det høyeste fjellkjeden i regionen og har rikelig med snø om vinteren, noe som gjør det til et kjempefint sted å stå på ski. I tillegg er det mye billigere enn mange alternativer i Europa.
For øyeblikket er det fire viktigste skianleggsområder: Gudauri, Mestia, Goderdzi og Bakuriani. Det er enda en skiskole med engelsktalende instruktører i Gudauri, som bare er en to-timers kjøretur fra Tbilisi. Du kan få løftet passerer for så lite som 30 gel ($ 10 USD).
8. Se Katskhi-søylen
For et spesielt tydelig syn, gå til vestlige Georgia’s Katskhi-søyle. Denne betydelige kalksteinmonolitten er et naturlig tårn som står over 130 meter høyt. Du kan nå Katskhi om et par timer fra Batumi eller om lag tre og en halv time fra Tbilisi.
Men det er ikke alt – bygget på toppen av denne smale søylen er et kirkekompleks som dateres tilbake til det syvende århundre. Frem til 2015 levde en munk faktisk opp på toppen, men i disse dager sover munken i klosteret på bunnen – og bare munker får lov til å klatre opp stålstigen på siden som en del av deres daglige pilgrimsreise for å be i kirken. Bygningene ble pusset opp nylig, og et besøkssenter er i verkene.
9. Gå fotturer eller trekking
Hvis du liker fotturer eller trekking, så skal du elske Georgia. Kaukasusfjellene strekker seg fra Svartehavet til det kaspiske havet – over 1000km – så det er mange muligheter.
De mange populære flerdagstrekene går fra Mestia til Ushguli (4 dager). Det er nok landsbyer langs ruten som du ikke trenger å leiren. Ikke overraskende, naturen underveis er fantastisk.
Som Georgia er et vandrere paradis, er det bokstavelig talt dusinvis av andre turmuligheter, så se deg rundt og se hva slags trek passer til det du er ute etter. Noen ideer som er verdt å vurdere er Omalo til Shatili (5 dager), Chaukhi Pass (1-2 dager), og Svaneti til Racha (en utfordrende 3-4 dager).
10. Prøv georgisk vin
Det er sagt at Georgia har den eldste vinsmakingshistorien i verden. Georgere har gjort rødt vin i over 8000 år, så du kan satse på at de er ganske gode på det nå. De bruker Qvevri (leirepotter begravet i bakken) til gjærdruer for en tydelig smak. Klimaet i Georgia er også ideelt for vinfremstilling, så det er ikke rart at georgisk rødvin begynner å vinne utmerkelser internasjonalt.
Det er fem viktigste røde vinregioner i Georgia, men den største og mange gikk til er Kakheti i øst. Teknisk sett kan du gjøre det til en dagstur fra Tbilisi, men det er verdig mye mer enn bare noen få timer. Hvis du vil utforske vingårdene, velg enten Sighnaghi eller Telavi som en base.
11. Utforsk kysten
Hvis du søker etter litt hvile og avslapning, har Georgia til og med en strand resort region langs kysten. På Batumi, som ligger på Svartehavet, finner du subtropiske temperaturer som er ideelle for svømming. Det kan også bli ganske fuktig om sommeren.
Du kan slappe av på et strandanlegg i nærheten av Batumi eller utforske noen av craziness denne delen av Georgia har å tilby (det er i noen tilfeller beskrevet som Las Vegas i Svartehavet). Regionen er hjemmet til en distinkt arkitektur og en rekke kasinoer, selv om det også har den store batumi botaniske hagen, som kan skryte av en av de mest varierte områdene i Flora, du vil se i en botanisk hage hvor som helst.
12. Sjekk ut Gergeti Trinity Church
Bygget i det 14. århundre, ligger denne kirken tucked away nær Mount Kazbek praktisk talt 2.200 meter over havet og trekker folkemengder fra hele landet. It’s one of the most picturesque spots in all of Georgia, providing spectacular views of the mountain range (which you’ve probably seen on Instagram).
While you can check out on a day trip from Tbilisi, a better idea is to head to Stepantsminda and stay there overnight. That way, you can see the church in the morning (which provides terrific light for photos) while beating the traveler crowds that will eventually arrive from the capital.
13. The Caves of Gareja
Located near the border with Azerbaijan, this is a Georgian Orthodox complex that dates back to the sixth century. here you’ll find hundreds of small rooms, small chapels, churches, and monastic living quarters carved out of the rock face.
The monastery survived incursions from the Mongols and Persians but was shut down under Soviet guideline and used for military training (which caused a lot of damage to the buildings).
Today, you can check out the complex on a day trip from Tbilisi. The journey takes around three hours by bus and bus tickets cost 25 GEL ($9 USD).
14. check out Gori
Gori is the hometown of Joseph Stalin, the brutal Soviet leader. located 90 minutes from Tbilisi, the city is home to the popular Stalin Museum, which has lots of artifacts (including the wooden hut where he was born) and information about his life — all of it whitewashed and biased, of course.
Here you’ll also find a world war II museum that focuses on the achievements of the Red Army, as well as Gori Fortress, a citadel that dates back to the 17th century and provides a panoramic view of the region.
Although it’s close enough for a day trip from Tbilisi, you can stay in this small city of just 50,000 for a day or two if you want to get away from the crowds.
15. get Outdoors in Svaneti
This is one of the most stunning regions in the entire country. tucked away in the northwestern corner of Georgia, you’ll find numerous tiny villages and amazing hiking here. There are also several UNESCO heritage sites in the area, including watchtowers that date back to the 12th century. You’ll also be completely enveloped by the Caucasus Mountains, which offer both a picturesque backdrop and spectacular views.
Stay in Mestia, a tiny village of fewer than 2,000 people, and head out on foot or by automobile to explore the region. You’ll also find some of the best cheese in the country, made by conventional methods kept alive by the Svans (an ethnic subgroup). The region is one of the most remote areas in Georgia — see it before the tourists arrive.
This list just scratches the surface when it concerns the amazing things to see and do that Georgia has to offer. There are dozens much more historical sites, monasteries, caves, and castles to see and a whole lot much more spectacular landscapes to explore. (And the country is quite safe too.)
Whether you just have a few days to delight in Tbilisi and its surroundings or a couple of weeks to cover much more of rural Georgia too, you are not going to be disappointed!
Book Your trip to Georgia: Logistical suggestions and Tricks
Bestill flyet ditt
Use Skyscanner or Momondo to find a low-cost flight. They are my two favorite search engines because they search sites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned. start with Skyscanner first though because they have the most significant reach!
Bestill overnatting
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the most significant inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the most affordable rates for guesthouses and low-cost hotels. Mine favorittsteder å bo er:
Fabrika (Tblisi)
Temi Hostel (Kutaisi)
Boutique hotel and Medusa Hostel (Batumi)
Ikke glem reiseforsikring
Reiseforsikring vil ivareta deg mot sykdom, skade, tyveri og kanselleringer. Det er omfattende beskyttelse i tilfelle noe går galt. Jeg drar aldri på tur uten det, da jeg har måttet bruke den flere ganger i fortiden. Mine favorittbedrifter som tilbyr den beste servicen og verdien er:
Sikkerhetsvinge (for alle under 70)
Forsikre min tur (for de over 70)
Medjet (for ekstra repatriation dekning)
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Want much more information on Georgia?
Be sure to check out our robust destination guide on Georgia for even much more planning